Sean McLaughlin

Game Developer/Software Engineer

Hi! I’m Sean Mclaughlin, a Junior Developer with a passion for creating great user experiences with a keen attention to detail. I love getting my hands on new technologies and solving problems creativly. When I'm not working you can find me rock climbing, playing video games, skiing, or disc golfing!


Oct 2022 - Present

UI/UX Associate Specialist

Worked as part of a small email team responsible for creating and sending marketing emails. Responsibilities included optimizing email aspects, from design to targeting specific audiences, by closely collaborating with the marketing team. I created, deployed, and optimized marketing emails utilizing insights from Adobe Analytics. I was also tasked with designing & Implementing a new internal ticketing process using JIRA. I helped facilitate cross departmental communication with non-technical teams to ensure all business needs were met. I Took the lead in the launch of a new A/B testing process specifically tailored to email marketing and shaped new testing methodologies through iteration and innovation.

Jun 2021 - Oct 2022

Web Content Associate

Closely collaborated with team members to ensure the content on the website was up to date. Helped to optimize the site through the use of A/B testing. Worked to maintain and upgrade the AAA Website through the use of Adobe Experience Manager. Optimized the website through A/B testing based on data driven insights and leveraged custom code elements to build on top of existing structure.

Nov 2020 - Jun 2021

IT Support/Programmer

Worked with the IT, Management, and Warehouse teams to identify the needs of each team. Helped to outline an onboarding/launch plan for a new enterprise resource planning software. Assisted in the process of onboarding a new Enterprise Resource Planning software and exported and sanitized data for thousands of products. I also facilitated communication between technical and non technical teams.


Mar 2017 - Mar 2019

New England Institute of Technology

Graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Video Game Development and Simulation Technology.

Relevant Projects

Droplet (Unity/C#)

Droplet is my final school project. I worked in Unity with 2 designers. We set out to make an engaging 2D puzzle platformer experience. We accomplised our goal creating a functional intuitve 1-hour long experince in just under 20 weeks. As the only programmer for the team meant I had to wear many hats. Working in a variety of disciplines including AI, sound, animation, player controls, and everything in between. Feel free to check out the trailer for the game here or download it and give it a try for yourself here.

Scheduling Genetic Algorithm (Visual Studio/C#)

This was my final project in my Artificial Intelligence class. I was tasked with designing a genetic algorithm that I then had to pitch to my professor. Once I came up with the idea and successfully pitched it, I had to implement the algorithm. The concept is a scheduling software that considers the number of employees, the shifts that need to be filled, employee availability, and some other rules such as limiting employees’ hours and not scheduling employees for back to back shifts. I created a console application that used a genetic algorithm to create a schedule that fit the criteria listed above.

RopeUp (HTML\Node.js\mongoDB)

RopeUp was a project that started as an idea to help the community at the rock climbing gym I work at. The problem for some climbers is to find a partner to climb with so they can climb the higher walls we have. RopeUp is a solution to that problem. Utilizing Node.JS and mongoDB I created a website that allowed users to enter information about when they would be at the gym. Using this the app would run a search to other climbers that would be at the gym on similar days and times and allow them to connect.

Contact Me

Also feel free to contact me or view my work any of these sites.
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